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 n.  birdlime, sticky substance used to ensnare birds  detail>>
boule de billard
 n.  billiard ball  detail>>
boule de commande
 n.  trackball, input device which includes a ball which may be spun in order to move the ...  detail>>
boule de gomme
 n.  gum, rubber  detail>>
boule de naphtaline
 n.  mothball, naphthalene ball used as moth repellent  detail>>
boule de neige
 n.  snowball, ball made of snow that has been packed or rolled together  detail>>
boule de pointage
 n.  tracking ball (computers)  detail>>
boule de scrutin
 n.  ballot, slip of paper on which a vote is written; action of voting; right to vote  detail>>
boule de signaux
 n.  ball  detail>>